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(English version can be found at the bottom of this page)


  1. 87年聯同業界要求政府儘快研究成立「中央公積金制度」;
  2. 87年就薪俸稅制向政府反映意見;
  3. 要求改善葵涌貨櫃碼頭交通工具配關注業界可持續發展
  4. 協助物流政策的制定及推動物流政策的實施



  1. 90年發表對「港督施政報告中─港口規劃的意見」書,反映港口設施、安全、管理、協調發展等意見;
  2. 成功爭取在屯門踏石角設立小型船隻入境檢驗錨區,及要求簡化「內地小油輪」清關手續。
  3. 91年就「香港海關執行進出口條例(第60章)規例」的執行情況,及「九號碼頭」的選址,向有關方面建言;
  4. 92年就「馬灣航道安全」情況,向立法會議員反映業界的關注;就海事處發予船長《Permission To Enter H.K.Water》的內附條文反映建議;
  5. 94-95年,協會就「維港規劃」原則及指引建言;成功反對青州偷步填海;
  6. 最早提出反對大面積填海,向香港特區籌備委員會預委會經濟小組主要成員,表達了我們對填海影響主航道的意見,成功令港英政府將大規模填海計劃擱置。
  7. 協會於96年協助籌建“香港海事博物館”,以記取香港經濟的蓬勃發展與香港航運業的迅速發展有着極為密切的關係。
  8. 97年聯同業界反對尖沙咀「海員俱樂部」改變業權性質;



  1. 03年非典期間,香港被裁定為疫區,協會發表「關於遠洋輪船出境防疫監督事宜」等,就檢疫問題,促請政府加強對非典型肺炎防疫監督並對進口船舶及雞隻檢疫提出具體建議,以避免香港與歐美之間的貨運延滯。;
  2. 04年訪京向交通部反映碼頭處理費(THC)問題,以及優先對港開放運輸業務;
  3. 向海關總署反映開放電子報關平台、廢除貨櫃車「留車留架」及「一車一司機」制度、珠三角港商廠家合同簡便化、香港機場貨運報關發展、港人考取內地報關員資格等問題。
  4. 04年向海事處反映業界對實施「國際船泊港口保安規則」(ISPS CODE)的憂慮及意見;
  5. 05年向有關方面反映「支持將舊機場改建為郵輪碼頭、發展郵輪經濟」的意見;
  6. 08年協會就通關問題,聆聽各方面意見,在陸港「九加二通關便利化研討會」,反映了業界聲音,提出「一地收費多地通行」以及「簡化併裝櫃的手續」等建議;
  7. 08年向機場管理局爭取接送船員用客貨車在「機場客運大樓營業停車之新安排」中的豁免安排;



  1. 協會支持理工大學物流系及『城市智庫』的調研工作,舉辦小型空運研討會,探討了空運目前面臨的挑戰、機遇和存在問題,研究人員已向政府提交報告。
  2. 促請有關方面研究及建立公開電子平臺,供業界共同使用,加強注視和解決地區競爭力問題;
  3. 推動物流業專業資格互認及培訓,兩地行業協作,成立跨區行業協會;
  4. 向有關部門建議增闢更多粵北空中走廊、加強機場空中交通協調管制;





Sustainable Industrial Development

Participation and Promotion onthe Development and Implementation 

of Policy for  Logistics Industry

In the 80s

  1. In 1987, successfully asked the Government forspeeding up the set up of "CentralProvident Fund" with the conjunction of the industry :

  2. In 1987, addressed the industrial viewsabout the income tax to the Government;

  3. Seek for the improvement of transportinfrastructure to support the development of Kwai Chung Container Terminal;

  4. Help on the development of logistics policyand promote the implementation of logistics policy

In the 90s

  1. In 1990, HKLMSA comment on "The Policy Address of Hong Kong ─        Port and Harbour Planning   Advice" and reflect the industrial advice for the port facilities,    security, management, and coordination of Hong Kong port development;

  2. Successfully fought for the establishment of  the boats anchoring immigration and inspection area in Tap Shek Kok, Tuen Mun and the simplification of "Mainland small oil tankers "clearance procedure there.

  3. In 1991, provided industrial suggestions on "CT9"and the implementation of "Hong Kong Customs Enforcement Regulations and Export Ordinance (Chapter 60)," to the parties concerned;

  4. In 1992, provided the industrial concerns about  "the Security of Ma Wan Transit" to the Legislative Council and reflect recommendations on the provision of the Marine Department to the captains about "Permission To Enter Hong Kong Water";

  5. In 1994-95, under the suggestion process on the principles and guidelines of "the Planning of Victoria Harbour"; HKLMSA successfully suspend the further reclamation of Green Island area;

  6. HKLMSA expressed our objection on the large-scale reclamation plan during the earliest stage of the plan to the key members of the Preliminary Working Committee, reflect the industrial opinions about the influence of the major routes of the industrial vessels,our expression successfully persuaded the Hong Kong Government as well as British Government to hold those reclamation projects.

  7. In 1996, HKLMSA help to establish the "Hong KongMaritime Museum," to emphasize the golden period of the rapid development of Hong Kong shipping industry and its close relationships with the blooming of Hong Kong economic growth.

  8. In 1997, successfully objected the change nature of theownership of "Hong Kong Mariner's Club" in Tsim Sha Tsui with the conjunctionwith the industry.


 In the 2000s


  1. During the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong, HKLMSA published "Epidemic prevention and supervision of export vessels,"; In the quarantine issues, urged the Government to strengthen the supervision of the SARS epidemic prevention and quarantine of imported ships and chickens with specifically recommendations to avoid the freight delay between Hong Kong and Europe ;

  2. In 2004, HKLMSA visited the Ministry of Communications in Beijing to reflect the Terminal Handling Charges (THC) issues as well as the priority to open the logistics industry to Hong Kong;

  3. Provided suggestions to the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department on the development of electronic platform, repealing "left truck, left chassis" and "one driver, one truck" system, the simplification of Hong Kong manufacturers contract in Pearl River Delta Area, the development cargo declaration in the Hong Kong Airport, the allowance for the application of Hong Kong citizens to become licenced China Customs Broker and other issues.

  4. In 2004, HKLMA provided the industrial suggestions and concerns to the Marine Department about the implementation of "the International Ships and Ports Security Code" (ISPS CODE).

  5. In 2005, HKLMSA expressed opinions about "Supporting the development of a cruise terminal at the old airport location and the development of the cruise industry".

  6. In 2008, HKLMSA gathered all opinions from the industry about the comments on customs clearance procedure and expressed during the "Nine plus Two Customs Clearance Facilitation Discussion Forum",reflecting the voice from industry, raised various concerns including "single clearance for multiple entry" and "Simplification of the Customs procedure of the Consolidation box";

  7. In 2008, HKLMSA seek for the exemption arrangements for the transportation of the crews in "New Business Parking Area Rules of Hong Kong Airport Passenger Terminal" with the Hong Kong Airport Authority;


 In the 2010s


  1. HKLMSA supported the logistics department of Polytechnic University and the research work of "Top Think-tank" by holding a small seminar on the current challenges, threat and opportunities on the airfreight industry and the report had been submitted to the Government.

  2. Urged the concern parties to study and establish an open electronic platform for the industry to share, focus more attention and reaction on the increasing competition from the surrounding countries among the region.

  3. To promote the mutual recognition of professional qualifications and training, the collaboration between Hong Kong and China and establishment of joint industry association for two areas as a whole;

  4. Provided recommendations to the concerned authorities to explore more North Guangdong air corridors and strengthen the coordination of air traffic control among the region;


In recent years, HKLMSA also promotes career opportunities and the development of Hong Kong's economy by promoting the new cruise economy and industry; join establishment of university with China specialty for maritime, accelerate straining, cater to build up and reinforce the Hong Kong's position as the major international maritime centre; shipping and logistics sponsorships to Polytechnic University, positively seeking for the promotional and publicity activities and international shipping conferences in Hong Kong.


For the future development of logistics industry, the Association also sent several delegations visiting Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other places and exchange opinions with the Ministry of Communications, Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China,the Ministry of Commerce and the relevant institutions. Also discusses with Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR to reflect the concern of the Hong Kong maritime and logistics industry.


With the frequent participation and involvement of the Association to the logistics industry, our executive committee members have been eligible and invited to participate their projects by numbers of Government advisory and statutory bodies including Hong Kong Customs Liaison Group,  Pilotage Advisory Committee of the Marine Department, Hong Kong Election Committee,  Customs Advisory committee, Bureau of Resources Liaison of Hong Kong Logistics Development Council, Qualifications Framework Advisory Committee of the logistics industry of Education Bureau and Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications.

2019 香港海運週攝影比賽
2019 香港海運週攝影比賽 得獎作品_【冠軍】金光护航_WestXiaoYing
2019 香港海運週攝影比賽 得獎作品【亞軍】物流之光_MongYuetMui
2019 香港海運週攝影比賽 得獎作品 【季軍】璀璨航行_ChanSuiLan
2019 香港海運週攝影比賽 得獎作品 【優異奬】勇往直前_AuYingLun
2019 香港海運週攝影比賽 得獎作品【優異奬】好壞天氣_ChuHoiCheung
2019 香港海運週攝影比賽 得獎作品 【優異奬】貨如輪轉a_LeeKaHo
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