(English version can be found at the bottom of this page)
協會已成立30週年,分別在成立二十週年及廿五週年之時出版紀念特刊,得到業界人士廣泛支持。本會謹此鳴謝所有給予本會祝賀與贊助的公司及個人, 並同時向給予紀念特刊提供撰文或相片的機構及個人表示衷心的感謝!
Magazine and Anniversary Commemoration Publication
The publication of magazine aims for strengthening the communication between the association and our members, the content includes our concern about the industrial issues and our activities updates. The annual publication will be issued from time to time periodically.
Anniversary Commemoration Publication
HKLMSA has established over 30 years, we have 20th Anniversary Commemoration Publication and 25th Anniversary Commemoration Publication recently which were widely supported by the industry and the public. We would like to give special thanks to all the sponsorships and congratulation from the companies and individuals, and also to express our heartfelt thanks for those organizations and individuals who provided their articles or photo in the past.
Anniversary Commemoration Publication records our contribution works for the past year and also compiles and consolidates the growth and contribution of our shipping and logistics practitioners with the most updated situation about the logistics industry. HKLMSA is intended to serve as a role as a bridge among the industry with a positive significance to explore the prospects and future of Hong Kong shipping and logistics industry. Therefore, the association decides to publish the Anniversary Commemoration Publication at every fifth and tenth anniversary and hope to be supported by our members and the industry continuously!
30th Anniversary Commemoration Publication was published in September 2016.