(English version can be found at the bottom of this page)
1. 匯集業內意見,研究及建言
2. 專題講座或專業課程
3. 參觀行業相關的設施
4. 適合家庭樂的休閒旅行
5. 輕鬆活潑的宴會及聯誼 (包括春茗茶會、夏季會慶、國慶酒會、秋冬蛇宴及除夕餐舞會)
成為本會的會員還可以享受以下福利: 1. 本會主辦講座及外出參觀拜訪活動之優惠; 2. 理工大學協辦課程優惠; 3. 工聯會業餘進修中心課程優惠; 4. 訂閱【物流時代】、【中國航務週刊】優惠; 5. 海洋公園入場券優惠及迪士尼指定日期入場券之優惠;6. 美心餅券優惠; 7. 中西醫診所優惠,體檢優惠; 8. 意外住院津貼2,000元及意外傷亡賠償200,000元之福利; 10. 粵港澳深酒店優惠、傢俱優惠、電器優惠、文具、花卉、汽車服務等優惠……11. 免費稅務諮詢; 12. 內地諮詢服務等(詳見每年優惠索引小冊子)。
Our Activities and Benefits
Hong Kong Logistics Management Staff Association is a non-profit making organization and all members are represent as individuals who are the management level in the logistics, maritime and relevant industrial companies in Hong Kong.
Our mission is to promote and support the Hong Kong Government on the development of logistics industry and further enhance Hong Kong as a major international logistics centre among region. Objectives of the Association are to provide platforms for the logistics practitioners on continuous professional development course, the sharing of experiences, information and advice, networking,offering advice and suggestions to the Hong Kong Government and promote trade development as a media between Hong Kong and the Mainland China cities.
The following activities are organized by HKLMSA on promoting and achieving our objectives:
1. The collection of industry opinions, researches and suggestions
2. Organize seminars or courses
3. Visit industry-related facilities
4. Organize leisure travel and entertainment for family fun
5. Networking and entertainment activities (including Chinese New Year party, the National Day Cocktail Reception, New Year Eve Dinner Party etc....)
Members are free to choose and participate any of our activities.
Other memberships benefits: 1. Participation of any of our seminars, visit and any activities concessions; 2. Polytechnic University courses with memberships concessions; 3. HKFTUSTSC courses concessions; 4. Subscription concessions on China Logistics Times and China Shipping Gazette; 5. Ocean Park admission ticket and Disney's concessions on specified date; 6. Maxim cake coupon promotions; 7. Concessions in clinics, medical benefits; 8. Accidental hospitalization allowance of $ 2,000 and accident injury/death compensation benefits of $ 200,000; 9. Concession on Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau Hotels,furniture concessions, concessions appliances, stationery, flowers, car service and other benefits ...... 10. Free tax consultation advice; 11. Mainland consulting services (Details refers to the booklet).
(Final details of benefits refers to the final rules and welfare of the association)
Remarks : The detailed benefits of members, please refer to the latest information from the association.